Welcome to Anglo-Celtic

This blog has been set up to do three main things.

First, we want to set out the history and traditions of the Anglo-Celtic peoples so these may be handed down to future generations of our people. Secondly, we intend to keep the flame of White racial nationalism burning, and play a part in ensuring that the Anglo Celtic nations survive the deadly threat of race-mixing and internationalism now facing them.

And thirdly, we aim to provide an online forum for all Anglo-Celts of like mind to come together and share experiences and ideas, to meet with each other and organise to start turning the tide in the fight for our survival. [An actual online forum is not yet on this site, but we shall be adding one shortly.]

Culture is a product of race, and in preserving our culture the preservation of our racial identity is fundamental. As Britain’s Jewish prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, said in his novel, Coningsby, written in the nineteenth century, “Language and religion does not make a race. Only blood does that.”

Not all White people are Anglo-Celtic, but it’s fair to say that Anglo-Celts form a vital part of the White race. We at Anglo-Celtic.org are British and so we are part of the Anglo-Celtic branch of the White race.

We believe that we Anglo-Celts are unique. We are a creative, productive race and a force for good on this earth. We are still the dominant race in large parts of the world – the British Isles, North America and Australasia in particular – even though we face a deadly threat to our very existence in the form of “multi-culturalism”, or multi-racialism.

Ours is a long history, rich in achievement, and we are proud of it. We have a right to survive, but this right has been under attack from our enemies for many years. It now falls to us to make a call to action to all White racial nationalists. Wake up to who your real enemies are, and join with us on this site to help spread the word and help preserve our race and culture into the future.

This is going to be an uphill struggle. We are faced with many enemies and unfavourable circumstances, including the following:

1. The process of the mongrelisation of white people all over the world is far advanced. Whites generally have low birth rates and are dwindling in numbers in their ancestral homelands, non-whites are rapidly increasing through high birth rates and levels of immigration, and the number of children of mixed race being born each year is alarming.

In many of our large towns and cities White British people are now outnumbered. Non-whites crowd our schools, hospitals, colleges, welfare centres, prisons, shopping centres, and just about everywhere else. Oppressive laws have, since the 1960s, tried to prevent us from speaking out freely against this sinister danger. Patriots have on many occasions been tried for criminal offences such as “incitement to racial hatred” and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.

2. The result of the 2016 referendum showed us that there is still an overwhelming majority of native Britons who are patriotic and racially aware. Yet there is no genuine racial-nationalist movement in Britain today to represent them. At the same time there is a real prospect of freeing our country from the clutches of the “European Union” and regaining our national independence and ancient freedoms. This goal is paramount, and for that reason, as a patriotic site, we have no desire to endanger the current activities of the Brexit Party or the “Leave” wing of the Conservative Party. We shall leave further comment on this situation until after October 31st 2019, when Brexit will either have been delivered or betrayed (yet again).

3. The education system in Britain has for the last 50 years or more been dominated by the left. Teachers in state education have for decades been failing to teach their pupils the elementary basics of maths, English, history and geography. History in particular has been marginalised, so many pupils leave school without knowing anything about their rich cultural heritage. Those that go onto college or university are easy pickings for the Marxist professors to subvert and turn against their own people.

4. The media has been completely in the hands of the internationalist elite for many years. One of the topics this blog will be covering from time to time is the story of the National Front from its formation in 1967 to its demise in 1984. In its time this party faced the most intensely hostile blitz from the media, especially in the period 1977 to 1979. This was prompted by its success in the Greater London Council elections, when the party secured 119,000 votes.

5. The political establishment is almost completely hostile to any manisfestation of racial nationalism by White people. People of other races are free to demonstrate their own racial pride, even though in most cases they have nothing to justify it, but Whites are not. In the 1970s and 1980s the National Front frequently had its statutory rights denied, especially at election time, when publicly-owned meeting halls were denied to it and extreme measures taken to try and prevent it from taking part in the election process.

This is only a skeleton outline of the recent history and current state of racial nationalism in Britain. There will be more news and views published in this blog regularly, and resources made available for distribution, so the history, achievements and traditions of Anglo-Celts can be known by everyone.

Join with us now in working, through this site, to re-awaken our people to our unique history and destiny as a distinct race re-claiming our rightful place as the owner of our ancestral homelands around the world.



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