Exposing hysterical and wicked misinformation about the Coronavirus and vaccinations

Martin Webster
Note - This post first appeared on Anglo-Celtic.org in 2020, when the Covid-19 emergency was at its height, but before the vaccines had been introduced.

There is a large amount of hysterical and wicked misinformation about the Coronavirus and related topics being circulated via the internet at the moment. A lot of this is generated by so-called ‘right wing’ and white-nationalist groups in the USA. Some may emanate from ‘disinformation’ agencies in Russia, China, Israel and elsewhere.

US anti-vaccine demonstrators
US anti-vaccine demonstrators

So far as the American groups are concerned, their main motivation seems to be opposition to all vaccination and inoculation programmes — including a future vaccine against Covid-19 — which they see as vehicles for ‘Big Brother’/Globalist power mechanisms to subjugate and regulate the Everyman (and woman).

Whatever common sense these people were born with seems to have departed from them because they deploy crude forgeries and misrepresentations in e-mail bulletins and YouTube videos in order to advance their anti-vaccination obsession.

This mendacious output is easily exposed. — I give two examples below — and so their efforts not only fail to advance their anti-vaccination cause, they undermine the credibility of any information on any subject from all nationalist and right-wing sources. (That is a bone for ‘conspiratologists’ to gnaw on!)

There are Globalist conspiracies to dragoon Mankind into a World Government. They operate in open sight.

Methods to regulate and subjugate individuals will be a necessary feature of any such global regime. Indeed, sinister and undemocratic “social control” measures are already being deployed by states world-wide — including the UK — to ‘manage’ their citizenry. There is nothing new about this analysis. It was described in George Orwell’’s book ‘1984’, published in 1949.

But I do not believe that any Globalist conspiracy is behind the Covid-19 emergency or the effort to invent and supply a vaccine to inoculate humans against that disease.

Not every bad event is the result of a conspiracy — though conspirators of every kind are always on hand to exploit any and every disaster that comes along, be it natural or man-made.

Compulsory vs voluntary vaccination

As to the debate about voluntary and compulsory vaccinations, it should be noted that there are no current laws in the UK, Europe, the USA or elsewhere which mandate compulsory vaccinations against any specified disease. ‘Democratic’ states prefer to rely on voluntary schemes, backed up by a heavy measure of ‘persuasion’ exerted via various kinds of media.

This approach is not proving to be wholly successful in the UK currently in respect of the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) ‘jab’. The voluntary vaccination strategy in the case of those and other communicable diseases is based on the hope that if 90%+ of the population can be inoculated then the desired state of “herd immunity” will kick-in.

The first and last time a compulsory vaccination scheme was imposed in England and Wales (though for some reason, not Scotland — or Ireland, then also part of the UK) was in 1853 arising from the discovery by Edward Jenner (1749-1823) of a method of inoculating people against Smallpox by implanting in them traces of Cowpox.

Stefan Riedel MD, PhD, in his Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and vaccination states:

“In the 18th century in Europe, 400,000 people died annually of smallpox, and one third of the survivors went blind. The symptoms of smallpox, or the ‘speckled monster’ as it was known in 18th-century England, appeared suddenly and the sequelae were devastating. The case-fatality rate varied from 20% to 60% and left most survivors with disfiguring scars. The case-fatality rate in infants was even higher, approaching 80% in London and 98% in Berlin during the late 1800s.”

The eradication of Smallpox

Though the compulsory nature of this UK scheme was not universally popular, it worked, as this 1901 photo of twin brothers in the Leicester Isolation Hospital demonstrates.

Two brothers, one with smallpox and the other, vaccinated, without.

One of the boys had been inoculated, the other had not. That picture should make us all grateful that by 1953 Smallpox was eradicated from the UK.

Born in 1943, I was vaccinated against Smallpox as an infant and I think I had a booster shot in my early teens. I had no say in the matter, but am grateful it was done to me and my generation. I do not feel my “freedom” or that of my contemporaries had been abused. My career as an adult does not indicate a submissive relationship with the Establishment. I only wish I could have been inoculated against Rubella (‘German Measles’) which laid me low for a while as an 18 year old in 1961 at the start of my life living “against the grain”.

A global campaign against Smallpox (mainly aimed at the ‘Third World’) was instigated by the World Health Organization in 1967. This led to the eradication of the disease from the face of the Earth in 1977. The World Health Assembly confirmed that outcome in 1980.

I do not know to what extent the countries involved in the WHO-led campaign imposed compulsory vaccination against Smallpox, but who will deny that liberating Mankind from that awful scourge was a boon? Who will insist that we should all have the “freedom” to contract, and to pass on, Smallpox — or any and every other kind of potentially lethal, disfiguring, disgusting, life-wrecking and preventable malady?

Examples of misinformation about the Coronavirus

But there are individuals and groups out there who demand just such a “freedom” and who produce material in the form of web site postings and YouTube videos which not only advance their point of view (which is their perfect right), but to publish deliberate lies and falsification of ‘evidence’ to advance their case.

Recently I have challenged two of the more blatant examples of this, as follows:

Example 1:

An e-mail with attachments, I think originating in the USA, which deployed a cut-and-paste partial use of the heading of a UK government/Public Health England web site posting. The text accompanying this heading forgery (which did not include the URL of the government web site!) claimed that the UK government had announced that it no longer categorised Covid-19 as a dangerous disease.

Eventually I persuaded one of those who forwarded the e-mail to me to supply the URL of the UK government web site involved. When I went to the site it soon became clear that those who had issued the e-mail had selectively copied elements of the heading and that the text of the notification underneath had likewise been ‘edited’ to misrepresent its message.

The original and complete web site posting simply re-allocated the status of Covid-19 from the “High Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCID)” category (which includes Ebola virus, Lassa fever, Pneumonic plague, along with 13 other deadly and highly infectious diseases) to a lower category of infectious and potentially lethal diseases.

The posting did not suggest that Covid-19 does not constitute a potentially lethal risk to persons who contract it. It merely indicates that it is not in the same league of deadliness and infectiousness as Ebola virus, Lassa fever, Pneumonic plague, etc.

Example 2:

A clearly American video posted on YouTube, showed a man in his late 30s/early 40s dressed (for no obvious reason) in hospital operating-theatre attire: gown, and face mask. This rig-out was designed to suggest he was a medical doctor.

The man’s name was not given either by himself, or in a voiceover, or in a caption. Likewise his medical qualifications were not given. The institution from which he was speaking — by implication a hospital — was not named.

He was speaking to his hand-held mobile phone. He appeared to be in a medical equipment storage room. He gestured to the equipment behind him and suggested that this was proof that there is no shortage of ventilators. Viewed briefly from a distance it was impossible for the layman to tell if the machines were indeed ventilators or commonplace mobile ‘vital signs’ monitors.

The ultimate target of the man’s diatribe was vaccinations — not just compulsory vaccinations, but any kind of vaccination for any kind of illness.

The man’s head was shaven bald. Minus his mask and with a few weeks’ hair growth he would be unrecognisable. He is a phantom who will disappear back into the mist from whence he came.


Let us by all means continue to observe and investigate the possible abuses of vaccination programmes for any signs of ulterior motives at work.

But we must protect our movement from being hijacked by anti-vaccination obsessives who are only interested in promoting their own peculiar agenda, and who are prepared to falsify evidence in support of it.

On all the issues which confront us, let us seek, find and publish authentic evidence without inventing any phony conspiracies — that would only serve to discredit our otherwise valid findings and our mission to save independent nationhood, civilization and the White race.

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